VIDEO: A detailed step-by-step build of a Lockheed P-38 Lightning model – the distinctive WWII twin-boom fighter renowned for its versatility.
VIDEO: The surprise of the show was an Italian F35 Lightning! You just cant beet the settings F-18s flying through the Alps mountains and firing flares off!
VIDEO: My favourite airshow flybys and moments I’ve managed to capture on video – Diamond Nine Typhoon Flyover, Boeing 787 Touch and Go Hawker Hunter,,,
VIDEO. GOING SUPERSONIC with U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds! Pulling 7 G’s in an F-16. Smarter Every Day.
VIDEO. Going close to that speed through air can cause some unusual visual effects. – includes F-14s, Blue Angels F-18s, plus the SR-71 and an Atlas Rocket launch.