VIDEO: STS-129 (ISS assembly flight ULF3), Space Shuttle Atlantis, November 27, 2009 landing on runway 33 at the Kennedy Space Center.
VIDEO: My favourite airshow flybys and moments I’ve managed to capture on video – Diamond Nine Typhoon Flyover, Boeing 787 Touch and Go Hawker Hunter,,,
VIDEO: With surrounding peaks as high as 5,500 metres (18,000 ft), Paro International Airport is definitely one of the world’s most challenging airports.
VIDEO: Hanging by a thin rope under a helicopter, a hundred meters above the ground, but only centimeters from a hundred thousand Volt power line …
VIDEO: A team sent to recover bodies from a wreck on the seafloor are shocked to find one man alive. How will they get him out before his air runs out?
Updated EKG test limits has some experts questioning if the FAA is concerned that COVID-19 vaccine injuries may be contributing to a shortage of pilots.
VIDEO: Come be my copilot today as I bring you along flying three different aircraft types, my F33A Bonanza, the Cessna 425 Conquest and a B36TC Bonanza.
VIDEO: Meet Captain Ellen as she flies out of Schiphol. Emirates is the world’s largest international airline, flying to 158 destinations in 85 countries.
VIDEO: Ride along as I spray an entire load of product on a sugar beet field from start to finish.
VIDEO: Get a first hand look at a sea plane landing and taking off with a view from the cockpit. Along the way we will make a glassy water landing,